Figuring It Out

If you are reading this then you are seeing my newly re-vamped blog.  Yay!  I decided to update my site for the new year.  I hope you like the fresh new look – let me know!


I am personally excited that I have figured out how to add a “continue reading” link to my blog posts.  This seems elementary, I realize, but I have literally been bothered by not having this for over a year.  Today I sat and searched and clicked and sighed and walked away and came back and finally found it.

See?  I just did it.  It’s painfully obvious now.

But what I realized was, just like with anything else, the time and effort I put into something directly affects the end results.  Maybe I just wasn’t familiar with the WordPress toolbar, but really – I never put in the time to Figure It Out.  Now I have and this one small thing feels like a great achievement.

This same idea really factors into just about anything in life.  Unless you have a great untapped talent in something, you will have to work at figuring out anything new.

Here’s an example: run-walking your first 5K.  Just the other day I had a class member from spinning ask me what it would take for her to do her first 5K.  I know she was looking for a simple quick answer, but that’s not what I had.  I asked her about her current fitness level and whether she had been walking or running at all.  I stressed that while her goal was completely attainable, she needed a plan based on her current abilities.

You have to start where you are – not where you want to be.

It is so easy to get swept away in our dream goals.  I believe in big dream goals and I also believe that you need a plan to get there.  This is a lesson I have learned time and time again the hard way (see: figuring out the “continue reading” link).

When I go head first into something (anything) without a plan, it usually ends up unfinished.  Last year I decided I wanted to self-publish a cookbook on Amazon.  I had a sketchy plan at best and after collecting some recipes and typing a few of them up, the plan fizzled.  The project has been stagnant for months and months.  I am not even going to touch it again until I have a clear plan for getting it done.  And I will because it is something I really want to do!  But like I said before, wanting it is not quite enough.  Start where you are.

So, here’s what I want you to do – get inspired today!  It can be about anything – maybe you want to read 50 books this year, or run your first half marathon, or maybe you want to start writing a blog.  Jump in but make a plan.  Take time to figure it out and make it happen.

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